The Grove and Hallcroft Methodist Churches together form the Methodist Church in the town.
For more information about the churches, their services and all activities, visit or search Grove Street Methodist Church on Facebook, or call 01777 702330.
All are welcome to all the below services and events.
Sunday Services in May
The Grove
- 5th, 10.30am: Circuit Service
- 12th, 10.30am: Open Door Calm Space Service
- 12th, 4.00pm: Messy Church
- 12th, 6.00pm: Christian Aid Service
- 19th, 10.30am: Pentecost Service
- 26th, 9.00am: Trinity Sunday Communion
- 12th, 10.45am: Own Arrangement Service
- 17th, 4.00pm: Service
- 19th, 4.00pm: Holy Communion
- 26th, 10.45am: Service with Baptism
Regular weekly events
- Tuesday Group, fortnightly alternating between churches
- Tuesday afternoon meeting, fortnightly at Hallcroft
- Thursday Coffee Morning, weekly at Hallcroft
- Thursday Lunch, 12.00pm to 2.00pm weekly at The Grove
- Saturday Elevenses, 10.30am to 12.00pm weekly at The Grove
- Bright Hour, weekly at The Grove
- The Listening Place, last Saturday of the month 2.00pm to 4.00pm at The Grove
Retford Art Society Spring Art Exhibition
29th April to 11th May, 10.00am to 4.00pm, The Grove
This is a new venue for the Retford Art Society and the Grove is pleased to welcome them. Refreshments will be available most days in the vestibule during the exhibition.
Charter Day
Monday 6th May, 10.00am to 4.00pm, The Grove
Refreshments and entertainment throughout the day in Chapelgate Hall at the back of the church. Stalls and guided tours of the church, plus Retford Art Exhibition.
You are invited to come and share a meal with others in your community. Donations welcome. Contact 07807 679006.