Inner Wheel Club of Retford

by | 12 June 2024 | Inner Wheel, Retford, Social Group

The Inner Wheel Club of Retford’s very successful charity lunch at Clarborough Village Hall was greatly enjoyed by all attendees. It was a treat to have so many delicious homemade desserts. The table quiz was low key and fun to do.

The money raised at the lunch is for Papyrus – a charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in the young.

Members have also been very busy packing the next NPAC container for The Gambia. The humanitarian aid being sent also included the many baby bundles, joy bags (for the mothers) and toy bags (for the children) put together by Inner Wheel members.

If you would like to join Inner Wheel, the club meets at 5.30pm for 6.00pm on the second Thursday of every month at Ye Olde Bell – and on the fourth Thursday of each month they have a morning walk at Idle Valley, followed of course by a coffee.

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