East Markham WI

by | 10 August 2022 | Retford, Social Group, WI

Following a busy May, June was a quieter month for East Markham WI. Maintenance of the flower box at Pond Corner continues, while the spring bulb display over the box has been replanted with summer bedding, bringing colour to this corner of the village.

The June Annual Meeting was well-attended by members and County Advisor Jane Jefferson was present. The Treasurer reported on the year’s finances and the Annual Report on the year’s meetings and events, was also presented and approved.
President Jenny gave her address, thanking the committee and members for their support during the year. The County Advisor supervised the election of the committee for the following year. After a new committee was elected, members nominated their choice of President. From the nominations, Jenny was re-elected as President.

June gave a vote of thanks to the County Advisor and Eileen gave a vote of thanks to the committee for all they had achieved in the last year, making special reference to how they had kept in contact with members during the pandemic. Floral gifts were presented to the retiring committee members and County Advisor.

Members also spent time examining and discussing the displays of photographs and several items from the branch archives, including the minute and account books from when the branch was started in February 1949, when the membership fee was three shillings and sixpence, (seventeen and a half pence).

To continue the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, members produced a display of Royal memorabilia comprising books, photographs, newspapers, programmes and an embroidery celebrating the Coronation, stitched by a member when she was 10 years old.

New members and visitors are always welcome at our meetings for a guest charge of £4.00. For further information please call 01777 871706.