The Dukeries Singers

by | 18 July 2020 | Hobbies, Music

In what is usually a dismal month in the calendar, we had a lovely surprise in the garden — a small flock of long tailed tits (four!) feeding on the fat ball feeder. In 43 years in this garden we have never had this variety of bird in the garden before, but now see them regularly. We just hope they spread the foody news to all their relatives. We only have to see the ‘Fair Maids of February’ (snowdrops) and our February will be complete and we can look forward to spring.
The Dukeries Singers, too, are looking forward and are rehearsing enthusiastically with new music and some old favourites to provide the choir’s audiences with a varied programme. We sing for all occasions: celebrations, anniversaries, fundraising and charity events. Our secretary Pauline, on 07951 609217, would be delighted to hear from you and we have dates available for booking.

Information about the choir can be found at We are also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We practise every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm to 9.00pm in the upstairs Theatre Foyer area at The Dukeries Academy, Ollerton. This is best accessed via the Leisure Centre entrance and car park.
Let’s hope for a mild February but unearth the wellies just in case!