Unfortunately, Doncaster Moviemakers’ 2019 / 2020 programme was suspended at the end of February. However, since then members have been sharing films digitally. Between Christmas and the suspension there were successful meetings.
One member, Fabio Bezoari, gave the group an interesting and informative presentation on what he has learnt during many years of making beautiful films. Their Music Video Competition was won by Pete Bonsall with his film showing historic telephone equipment. The Annual Competition was won by Ross Adgar with his study of the work of the local impressionist artist Andrew Farmer. They also held an evening where members showed their films based on the theme of autumn and an evening where they were joined by Doncaster Naturalist Society where both groups showed their wildlife films and photographs.
Doncaster Moviemakers are a group of people interested in making or just watching amateur films on a large screen. If you have similar interests, please contact them. At this stage future meetings are being reviewed, but they normally meet on Wednesday evenings from September until April. Please check their website, www.doncastermoviemakers.weebly.com, for details or contact 07765 715422 or email doncastermoviemakers@hotmail.com.