Since the forthcoming General Election is due to take place on 4th July at Welton Village Hall, Lindsey u3a’s General Meeting will be brought forward a week to Thursday 27th June. There will be no meeting in July.

No matter what political affiliation you have, you will always be welcome at Lindsey u3a which endeavours to provide a wide range of activities, talks and opportunities to meet people and perhaps discuss affairs of the day in a relaxed atmosphere.

The group meets at Welton Village Hall, usually on the first Thursday of the month. You are invited with no obligation to one of their meetings – doors open at 9.45am for tea and coffee, followed by a speaker at 10.30am.

If you decide to go along for a look, tell someone on reception you are new and a friendly greeter will show you round and answer any questions.

On 27th June, at very short notice, the speaker will be Stephen Brown recounting his hair-raising experiences as a driving instructor with his amusing talk entitled ‘It’s Hell on Wheels’. The drivers amongst us may need to brush up on the New Official Highway Code! Don’t worry you won’t be tested but you may well learn something new and that’s what Lindsey u3a is all about.

The next meeting is on 1st August with Annette MacKenzie presenting her talk ‘Owling Mad’. Any guesses as to what that could be about?

Lindsey u3a offers a wide range of interest groups run by members for members. Visit to see if anything appeals to you. Members can also join various online talks, workshops and courses. You can find out more from

If you can’t attend a general meeting you could join the group at the ‘Gardeners’ Retreat’ tearoom at Scothern Nurseries for a cuppa and a chat at 10.15am on the fourth Thursday of the month.

Whether you’re a newcomer wanting to know more about Lindsey u3a or if you’re already a member and just fancy a cuppa, maybe a scone and a chat, do come along. Everyone is welcome.

Should you require any further information about Lindsey u3a contact Mandy Murphy on 01673 565295 or