Worksop Rotary revives the Small Grant Scheme

by | 29 June 2024 | Rotary, Worksop

Some years ago, the Rotary Club of Worksop was successful in supporting many small groups who were working to improve the lives of the people of Worksop and its surroundings.

The kind of groups helped in this way ranged from some dealing with the welfare of children to those helping old and lonely people or trying to improve the environment in their area. The club supported the establishment of the toddlers’ group at the Oasis and the initial work of Worksop’s Got Talent, for example, and has continued to be involved with these organisations.

Worksop Rotary has reintroduced this scheme, known as ‘The Small Grants Scheme’, this year by inviting small local groups, who would not have the resources or need to apply for the major grants available for community work, to approach them for a helping hand.

If you run or belong to such a group and think you would eligible for a grant, the full details are available on the BCVS website, searching for Worksop Rotary. The grants of around £200 can be applied for by letter posted to BCVS and clearly marked ‘Rotary Worksop Small Grant’ or by email at

Donations made to the Rotary Club are directed to help local, national and international causes with the intention of improving the lives of those in need through health or circumstance. The club’s thanks go to the manager and staff of Nottcutts Dukeries Garden Centre for making space for the club to collect at Easter – and so donate to ‘The Lost Chord’, a charity making musical entertainment available to those with memory loss.