Worksop and District u3a

by | 14 July 2022 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, U3A, Worksop

Worksop and District u3a had a busy month in June. You may have visited their stall at the Carlton in Lindrick fun day, or been to the Jubilee Race Night in the Civic Centre.

The speakers at the next meeting on Thursday 21st July are Sophie and Rob Snell. Sophie is a storyteller who will entertain the members with songs and stories. The meeting is at Carlton Civic Centre starting at 1.30pm. Go along and find out more about the u3a.

Worksop u3a has around 400 members attending a variety of groups.

The sewing group has over 30 members who meet twice a month. Members bring their own work but are very happy to share skills and assist anyone trying a new craft. At any meeting they can be found dressmaking, embroidering, cross stitching, patchworking or knitting – but above all, chatting over a cuppa.

For more information visit