Visit of Pfungstadt Accordion Orchestra

by | 3 August 2018 | Notice, Worksop

On 31st May the Pfungstadt Accordion Orchestra from Germany, joined Whitwell Brass Band in a weekend of celebration of their friendship. It was a successful weekend, filled with happiness, fun and love, which concluded with a joint celebration at the Crossing Church and Centre, Worksop. The concert was simply themed as Freundschaft, friendship.

For those that were able to attend the concert, the organisers feel sure they felt that they were witness to a rather special musical occasion. It is a very odd combination of a friendship between an accordion orchestra and a brass band, but without doubt it is successful.

This special weekend would not have been achieved without the help and support of many. This is a thank you to all those who not only supported the occasion, but helped to make it so special.
On behalf of Whitwell Brass Band and the Pfungstadt Accordion Orchestra we would like to offer a very special thank you to:

  • All the wonderful hosts, who opened their homes to the special guests.
  • Ryan Stacey, Musical Director; David Fretwell, Musical Director; Jens Jourdon, Pfungstadt Accordion Orchestra Musical Director.
  • Claire and Alan Firth, The Royal Oak, Bakestone Moor.
  • Tim Wooley and team, Whitwell Community Centre.
  • Hilary and David Ellis, afternoon tea was wonderful and the guided tour of Whitwell, superb.
  • Paul Wood and Shirley Nunn, entertainment ‘Dinner for One ‘
  • The Crag Rats, entertainment, filled the dance floor.
  • St Lawrence Church, the warm welcome and blessing.
  • Hillsborough Police Dog Training Centre, outstanding.
  • Creswell Crags.
  • Tim and the team, Chip Inn, Whitwell (best mushy peas in the world).
  • Claire, Welbeck Brewery.
  • Johnson Bros Tours.
  • Guest players joining the musical celebration.
  • Special thank you to Pete Draper, Tony Draper, Mel Jackson, David Fretwell, Hilary Ellis, Lorraine Palmer, Alan Firth,
  • Cal Graham and Liam, Ben and Sophie.
  • And last but not least , the village of Whitwell, a rather wonderful little place ‘in England’s Green and Pleasant Land‘.