Tickhill Parish Room

by | 10 July 2024 | Community facility, Hobbies, Social Group, Worksop

The weather remains unpredictable as we move into early summer, but there is no need to be bored in Tickhill. Even if the weather is not suitable for outdoor pursuits, there is always something to do in the Parish Room.

In any one week you could be involved in several pastimes – starting with Ukulele on a Monday, Craft Classes on a Tuesday, Wednesday classes include Baby Yoga and Massage, WI, ACCORD, Francophiles and Yoga.

On Thursdays the Craft ladies are back, Fridays bring a variety of Yoga or Voglia d’Italia, then on Saturdays you can relax with a scone, a coffee and a natter with friends.

Once a month, Carol Beaumont sells her cards, bags, aprons and peg bags (and many other handmade items) proceeds in aid of RNLI. Margaret Culloden also appears one Saturday a month with the Traidcraft stall.

Apart from the above classes and meetings, the Parish Room is perfect for other celebrations such as birthdays (children and adults), funeral teas, Christenings, coffee mornings and other fundraisers. The kitchen is modern and fully equipped and has enough crockery and cutlery to cater for 60 guests.

For information on any of the above or to book for your own event, please ring Janice on 07840 419763, or pop in on a Saturday for a coffee and a nosey!