The May meeting of Shireoaks and District WI welcomed Mr David Bell from Eyam, who spoke about the Plague Doctor. He was quite knowledgeable, as he had lived in the village for some time and obviously learned all about its history. He was an entertaining and interesting speaker. As usual, refreshments followed and members were given the programme for the next year’s meetings and outings. The group also hosted their annual Duck Race on Sunday 24th June, in the Village Hall and on the Green. Over 500 little yellow ducks raced down the river and there were excellent prizes won by the first 10 to cross the line.
On 16th May, the group hosted the Sherwood Ryton Group event at Worksop Masonic Hall. They had a buffet prepared by the Masonic and their members provided the desserts, after which they were entertained by Lesley Smith as Margaret Thatcher talking about her early years before she became Prime Minister. As usual Lesley was wonderful and everyone learnt quite a lot about Mrs Thatcher’s early life described as only she can, with a talk all based on true facts and interspersed with humorous asides. The winners of the group bursary, raffle and hidden squares was announced by Lesley followed by votes of thanks for all of those involved in organising the event.
For more information you can follow Shireoaks WI on Facebook or call Diana on 01909 472189 or Dawn on 07817 681778.