The recent Shireoaks and District WI Duck Race was blessed with good weather and the event was well supported by local people.
It was a very poignant event for some members as they remembered their former president, Nancy Howe, who passed away earlier this year. Nancy was the instigator of the duck race back in 1983 and her daughter Judith has shepherded the ducks downstream every year since the beginning.
It was fitting that Judith opened the event and dedicated this year’s race to Nancy and decided to hang up her wellies at the same time! There was a small display in the village hall dedicated to Nancy and the WI will be planting a rose in the village garden in her memory later this year.
The event was hard work for all volunteers, and the WI would like to thank all its sponsors for their generous donations – particularly Shireoaks Post Office. The group was able to donate £1,000 to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice from the proceeds, together with a donation to Shireoaks Newsletter – and was still able to put aside money to help celebrate their 80th birthday next year!
The WI has a full programme of events lined up for this year and would welcome new members, or even visitors who just want to go along and see what is on offer. They meet in the Village Hall on the third Thursday of every month (except August) at 7.00pm.
For further information visit their Facebook page or contact Dawn Short on 07817 681778.
Coming up:
- 15th August: Day trip to Renishaw Hall
- 19th September: The demise of Richard Thomas Parker
- 17th October: Concealed objects and written charms from the Medieval period
- 21st November: Flight of a thousand eyes
- 13th December: Christmas Party with entertainment by Brian Couldwell
- 16th January: Rummikub
- 20th February: Iceland Revisited
- 20th March: 80th Birthday Meeting with entertainment, pie and pea supper