Ryton Chorale’s High Viennese concert on 2nd July drew a good audience and the Director of Music and conductor, Simon Lumby, said that ‘many heads were turned by the sheer professionalism’ of the singing and he thanked the choir for its hard work and commitment. He is now busy preparing the live recording of the concert to go on YouTube, available later this month. The choir was glad to welcome a new member on the strength of the performance, and an enquiry from a further two potential members has been received.
Far from basking in the success of the concert, the choir met as usual on the following three Mondays to start rehearsals on Elgar’s ‘The Music Makers’, which will form part of the 40th Anniversary Concert at The Crossing on Saturday 19th November. Full details of the concert can be found at www.rytonchorale.org.uk.
August sees a well-earned break in rehearsals, which resume on Monday 5th September. If you like a challenge and choral singing is for you, contact sing@rytonchorale.org.uk. Others have done and are very much enjoying it.