The annual Ride and Stride event returns on Saturday 14th September, raising funds for churches taking part, and for Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust (NHCT), enabling the Trust to give grants for much needed maintenance and repairs to historic church buildings.
The event is open to anyone who wishes to cycle, walk, drive or progress by any other means between churches and chapels in Nottinghamshire, raising sponsorship for miles covered, churches visited, statues counted, etc and signing in at those churches which are open for the event.
Open churches are welcoming places for all to discover and enjoy, and on the day, light refreshment could be available to riders and striders. It could be an opportunity for the church to put on an event itself (a cake sale, a scarecrow festival, something musical, a history talk, etc).
It could also be a challenge for the competitive, or a happy day out visiting some of the county’s historic buildings, all while taking healthy exercise!
If you are involved with a church and would like to take part, or just want to ride or walk from church to church to help support these precious buildings (there is one approximately every two miles across the county, apparently!) registration forms and further information can be found at or contact or 07757 800919.