North Notts Local Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

by | 6 August 2024 | Wildlife, Worksop

Despite the chilly and rather soggy start to summer this year, the North Notts Local Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has enjoyed some very pleasant activities.

A particularly good one was the visit to Naturescape, a wildflower farm at Langar. Glorious weather helped and visitors were all keen to buy some of the beautiful wildflowers to enhance their gardens and increase biodiversity. It’s amazing what a few flowers will do to attract insects to your garden and it’s easier to create your own mini wildflower meadow than you might think; just take a look at the advice from The Eden Project:

Surprising too, how beautiful the grass seed heads look when you put the mower away and allow them to develop. They add a whole new dimension to the garden experience with their gently waving plumes.
Still to come is Gary Hobson’s nature walk. He is one of the local group members and he leads a free monthly nature walk, usually round some part of the Idle Valley Reserve. Member Ruth White commented that she ‘highly recommends these bird watching walks’ and that she had learned a great deal.

The next walk is on Wednesday 28th August, 9.00am to 12.00pm. Meet at Chainbridge Lane. Enjoy general birdwatching from Chainbridge Scrape East and West viewing screens and looking for passage migrants and waders. For more information, contact Gary Hobson on 07464 964879 or

Also towards the end of August, is a visit to the Walks of Life Museum at Tuxford. Local Group information comes direct to your inbox if you email and ask to receive the Local Group’s weekly update.

The summer activities continue through August and the winter programme of talks starts again in September. Sign up now and make sure you don’t miss anything. You don’t have to be a member!