North Notts and Lincolnshire Community Rail Partnership updates

by | 17 December 2023 | Community facility, Notice, Worksop

People often ask, “what is a community rail partnership?” Simply put, they are a bridge between the railway and local communities, engaging with communities to help people maximise the benefits offered by railways. They also promote social inclusion and sustainable travel. There are currently over 75 community rail partnerships in the UK.
The new team have been busy over the last few weeks driving forward the North Notts and Lincolnshire Community Rail Partnership (NNLCRP); below is just a selection of some of the things we have been up to!

Sighted Guide Training

Northern Rail recently partnered with Guide Dogs for the Blind, and Helen and Rick, the Community Rail Officers attended Sighted Guide Training to learn how to best support those living with sight loss, and how to physically guide people. This training was extremely useful, offering practical tips, as well as helping to build confidence when offering support. Like learning first aid, sighted guide training is a useful life skill. Free Introduction to Sighted Guide Training is available online through the Guide Dogs website.

Litter pick at Gainsborough Central Station

Rick Craig attended a litter picking session with volunteers from Connexions 4 Youth at Gainsborough Central Station. The station looked clean and tidy afterwards, and a great afternoon was enjoyed by all. A big thank you to the volunteers.

Caistor Rail Show

David Harby, NNLCRP Chair, attended the Caistor Rail Show, an annual Model Railway Show, taking advantage of the opportunity to give out Thomas the Tank Engine Rail Safety storybooks to children. These books are a great opportunity to promote rail safety to children, while nurturing a love of trains and books! The CRP looks forward to distributing more books to children in future.

Try the Train

As we move into 2024, the NNLCRP is keen to start launching ‘Try the Train’ days with schools and local community groups, to increase rail confidence, and to give the experience of travelling by train. They are keen to hear from groups that may be interested in trying the train – please contact them via

Get in Touch!

NNLCRP would love to hear from you. Whether you are interested in station adoption, volunteering, or have any suggestions, please feel free to drop them a line via