Ollerton St George’s Day Celebration 2020

by | 16 March 2020 | Community Event, Sherwood

Ollerton and Boughton’s annual St George’s Day celebration will take place on Sunday 26th April 2020.
Centred around Ollerton Village, the fun will kick off at 11.00am with some great local music, dance and entertainment, the ever-popular Ollerton’s Got Talent, traditional family favourites and some exciting new additions for 2020.

The parade, led by St George and his henchmen, will begin at the later time of 12.00pm and those brave enough can join our fearless hero for some dragon slaying afterwards.

The organisers are delighted to announce that thanks to funding from Newark and Sherwood District Council they’ll be working closely with local schools to create some fearsome fire-breathing fiends for this year’s parade. You won’t want to miss it.

Local businesses, organisations, charities and individuals interested in taking part can contact the organisers via their Facebook page or by email at ollertonstgeorge@hotmail.com.

As always, the committee is desperate for volunteers to help the event run smoothly. If you can spare a couple of hours on the day, please get in touch. They’re a fun, friendly team and there will be a variety of roles available.
For updates and more information, visit www.facebook.com/StGeorgesDayOllerton/.