Members of Inner Wheel Club of Warsop have been creative this month.
Member and treasurer Gloria Humphry learned to crochet and made a base for a post box topper. Gloria’s creativity continued by knitting bees to be used on the topper. President Sharlotte than crocheted words onto the base and made crochet roses to add to the bees before putting it all together.
The finished topper was placed on the post box outside the Post Office in Warsop. The sub-postmaster was very happy with the topper, and some residents have requested more toppers for other post boxes around Warsop. Gloria and Sharlotte will be busy for a while!
At their meeting on Wednesday 6th March, at the Hostess restaurant, members got creative by putting words to paper. Member Jude Lockwood led a creative writing session which brought out the imaginative skills of everyone. The theme was ‘describe a place’, and at the end of the session several members read out their creations, enabling others to ‘see’ their place in their mind. A very enjoyable activity that was enjoyed by everyone.
If you would like to join Inner Wheel or would like more information, join the club on the first Wednesday of every month at the Hostess restaurant, where they enjoy a carvery meal together, or call membership officer Elaine Hopkins on 07731 678521.