Dukeries u3a

by | 7 August 2023 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Sherwood, Social Group, U3A

As well as their gazebo at the Edwinstowe Summer Fayre, July saw two new Dukeries u3a activities starting in Edwinstowe. They join the existing Scrabble group, which continues to meet at the South Forest Centre in Edwinstowe on the first Friday of each month at 1.30pm.

Short-soft-tennis sessions have now started at Edwinstowe Village Hall. Subject to demand from members sessions are expected on second and third Fridays of every month at 2.00pm.

The Sunday Social Group had its inaugural meeting on 23rd July at the Lynds Close Community Centre (off East Lane in Edwinstowe). Arts, crafts and tabletop games will be the focus for the group with future meetings scheduled for the second and fourth Sundays each month at 4.00pm to 6.15pm. Non-members can attend an initial session (£1.00 contribution to costs of tea, coffee and biscuits) to see if the u3a activities appeal.

Following Phil Cooper’s excellent Wildlife of Costa Rica show in June, July’s guest speaker was retired BBC Sports Reporter and Producer Peter Slater who entertained Dukeries u3a members with his recollections (both chequered and amusing) of his many encounters with the rich and famous.

The trip for members to David Austin Roses was a huge success with coincidental aerobatic displays enjoyed as an unexpected bonus.

July saw members joining with other local u3a groups for a River Cruise on the River Trent, and the u3a annual Summer Ball took place this year at the Forest Town Arena.

The annual (members only) indoor Garden Party takes place at the Jubilee Hall in Ollerton on 21st August.

Dukeries u3a has an (open to all) tea / coffee social event at Ambleside Community Centre in Ollerton at 10.00am on 30th July. Additionally, Lynds Close Community Centre in Edwinstowe can be visited on Sunday 13th or 27th August 4.00pm. These are excellent opportunities to see what the u3a is all about.

Dukeries u3a encourages car-sharing wherever possible.

For more information contact Du3achair2020@gmail.com or 07756 436177.