Give children coloured pencils, pens or a paintbox, and they will happily scribble, draw patterns and pictures without any inhibitions. As Picasso famously said, ‘every child is an artist – the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up’.
The continuing UK rise in demand for colouring books for adults and of art materials of all kinds suggests that this isn’t necessarily the case. Drawing, painting and colouring are absorbing and relaxing activities, taking the mind away from everyday stresses and anxieties. The effect is enhanced in a group setting, comparing work, learning from fellow ‘artists’, making friends and simply enjoying being together.
Rotherham u3a has three art groups meeting weekly from 10.00am to 12.00pm at Herringthorpe United Reformed Church (HURC) on Wednesday mornings and at Danes View Centre, Dalton on Monday and Thursday mornings.
On 28th September at HURC, members of each group will display a selection of their work at an Art Exhibition to which all-comers are invited. Doors open at 1.00pm and close at 4.00pm. Admission is free.
There’s free parking at HURC, situated on the main Rotherham-Maltby bus routes, with bus stops within 50 yards of the church.
Light refreshments and raffle tickets will be available, with a framed, professionally painted watercolour of a Yorkshire Dales scene as first prize. All proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Selected drawings and paintings will also be on sale.
All are welcome to go along and browse this colourful exhibition, chat with some of the artists, and discover what makes art in a group so enjoyable. For more details visit