Les Francophiles de Tickhill begin their new 2023-2024 season on Wednesday 4th October, when Anne Kay will be regaling members about life beyond St Tropez. Anne owns a property near Fréjus, not far from St Tropez, but manages to enjoy life despite all the razzmatazz that goes with such an iconic neighbour.
The £20.00 membership subscription (which is due this month) covers all the 10 meetings in the year (£2.00 a month). Visitors to individual meetings are welcome at £5.00 a time.
Talks are in English but there is an opportunity to speak French during the meeting with many members being fluent in the language. Members old and new are welcome.
They meet in the Parish Room, Tickhill (DN11 9HZ) on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. Please ring Janet Erridge for more details on 01302 745281.