Rotherham Freemasons

by | 14 May 2023 | Local Charity, Rother, Social Group

A unique meeting took place at the Masonic rooms, Rotherham Golf Club on Wednesday 5th April. It was Rotherwood Lodge’s usual meeting time – but on this occasion the Lodge was taken over by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire West Riding, with the Provincial Grand Master James Newman taking the Chair.

Many of the most senior Freemasons in the Province, along with members of Rotherwood Lodge and their distinguished guests, witnessed a ceremony conducted only once before in Rotherham – the appointing and investing of a new Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province. The reason for it taking place here was that Chris Allen of Rotherwood Lodge was the recipient of this great honour. The last time it took place in Rotherham was at Wellgate Masonic Hall in 1992 when Ray Elders of Phoenix Lodge was appointed to this high office.

After a marvellous and colourful ceremony upstairs in the Lodge Room this gathering of Yorkshire’s leading Freemasons gathered downstairs in the bar before taking their places at a sumptuous Festive Board.

An excellent meal was enjoyed by all before several speeches and toasts honouring the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master brought a wonderful occasion to a close.

An aspect of Freemasonry which is close to every Freemason’s heart is charity, and this is something the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master has been closely involved with. Recently many large donations have been awarded by the Provincial Charity to worthy causes, including Rotherham Crossroads – Caring for Carers, who have been given £5,000, and Rotherham Sight and Sound who will receive £34,500.

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