Rotherham u3a

by | 7 October 2023 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Rother, Social Group, U3A

American showman PT Barnum famously said: “The only bad publicity is no publicity at all.”

Working on the old publicity agents’ principle that, to get a message over, it should be broadcast and received at least three times, Rotherham u3a (Ru3a) publicity comes in a variety of forms. As posters, flyers, brochures, through media reports and articles, on the Ru3a website and via events.

For almost eight years, monthly articles in our sister magazine Rotherham Life have publicised Ru3a. And it’s true that a good number of readers have responded and now enjoy one or more of the 40 activities currently available.

Responses when members are asked where they heard about Ru3a suggest that one of the most successful forms of publicity is word of mouth, and that this, coupled with displays of work, where people can talk to members of different activity groups, ask questions and pick up a brochure is even more effective.

So whether you know about the u3a, but aren’t a member, or don’t know what it is, who it’s for, what activities it offers and how to join, why not find out? An Open Day will take place at Herringthorpe United Reformed Church on Saturday 14th October, 10.30am to 2.30pm.

There will be displays of work from a selection of groups, including Art, Photography, Card Making, Embroidery / Soft Furnishings and Yarn Addicts. There will also be stalls giving information about activities including Languages, Opera, Flexercise and Strollers, plus general information.

All are welcome. Entry is free. Tea, coffee and biscuits, will be available, and there will be a raffle.

For more information visit or call 01709 379379.