Gainsborough Snappers

by | 13 March 2024 | Gainsborough, Hobbies

The open competition for Gainsborough Snappers members’ photos taken during 2023 was a great success. 28 members went along to hear what guest judge, John Whaler from Lincoln, thought of the 18 entries on what proved to be an entertaining and informative afternoon.

Each entry consisted of three photographs from different genres, mounted on board and printed on no larger than A4 paper. Members’ entries covered a wide range of genres, with the natural world well represented along with portraits. There was general amusement that one gentleman who had clearly modelled at a session appeared several times in different guises. Possibly because members know John is a black and white specialist, there were a good number of monochrome entries.

The result hinged on fine margins and there was general delight when the winning entry was announced as belonging to Sue Cross. Sue joined Snappers just a year ago and has had a lot of help from several of the members who have generously offered their time and advice. She is clearly an attentive and talented student as her images were quite outstanding and beautifully mounted.

Second was a panel from Tom Coulson, himself a newer member, with third place going to Gerry Kemp, last year’s winner and one of Sue’s mentors. It was declared a very successful afternoon and Sue was presented with the Alan Townsend Memorial Trophy, which she retains for a year, and a personal trophy which is her permanent reminder of her success.

On Friday 1st March, 1.30pm to 3.30pm, there will be a tabletop practical session. Everyone is invited to bring something to photograph along with any useful props, mini studios and lights they may have.

Everyone will have the chance to photograph any of the displays that interest them and there will be opportunity to ask for tips and advice from fellow members. Tripods are needed as well as cameras.

There is no membership fee for the club – just go along and pay your attendance fee. If you like what you see, you can provide your email address to be included on the club circulation and be kept up-to-date with any news or events. Visitors are welcome at any time.

For more information visit