What are insects and are they important — or are they just a pest? We’ve heard so much lately about how vital they are not only to wildlife but to us human beings. Find out more with the Friends of Daneshill Lakes Local Nature Reserve on Sunday 21st July, when you can join local naturalist Colin Watkin to learn more about these fascinating creatures. Colin says, “you may never love them, but you may understand them better”.
This event is free with no booking required and, although primarily aimed at encouraging youngsters to take part in a practical way, is open to everyone.
Starting at 9.30am with a ‘Bug Hunt’, they shall look at the creatures they have found together with a host of stars, including moths and beetles, that Colin has collected. The event will be repeated at 11.00am, finishing at 12.30pm.
Daneshill Lakes Local Nature Reserve is situated on Daneshill Road, Torworth, Retford DN22 8RB. Brown signs on the A638 point the way. Further information is available from Friends’ Secretary Lesley Noar at daveandlesnoar@outlook.com or on 01777 818362. You can also visit www.friendsofdaneshilllakes.btck.co.uk.