Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group

by | 1 November 2019 | Support Group

Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group welcomed Doctor R Gaubert to their meeting on Friday 4th October. With Dr Gaubert they enjoyed an intriguing journey into his ancestry, right back to 16th century France, and the first ‘protestors’ to the Roman Catholic teachings (the future Lutherans/Protestants) – the Huguenots. He succeeded in his quest and confirmed that ‘Gaubert’ may be traced back to before those turbulent times. The Huguenots were skilled workers, lawyers, bankers, silkweavers, goldsmiths, etc, who were persecuted for their beliefs. Over 200,000 eventually left France, 50,000 of whom settled in the south of England and built their first churches and changed our history.

The next meeting will be on Friday 1st November, at Retford Hospital. David Bean will be speaking on ‘A Street Preacher’. Everyone will be welcome. For further information please call Pat Broskom on 01909 562361.