Volunteers from the Dukeries Community Workshop had a fantastic time at the Robin Hood Festival 2018. It was a fantastic fundraiser for them this year and their sale of work stand and tombola took £1,200. Well done to all their woodworkers for making so many beautiful things, which included bowls, rustic bird houses garden tables and bird feeders as well as medieval weapons and games for the children.
The workshop has two short courses in creative glass work starting this term alongside their regular daily sessions in all aspects of woodwork.
The Dukeries Community Workshop is a registered charity, run by local volunteers for the community. It is based at the Dukeries complex in New Ollerton and can cater for all skill levels, and abilities, including wheelchair users. Volunteer tutors are waiting to guide you in the right direction. The workshop is open from Monday to Friday during school term time from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Costs are £5.00 per session but may be waived in cases of financial hardship. There’s always time for a chat and a cuppa while you learn new skills and make new friends.
For more information call 01623 860545 extension 152 during term time, Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 3.00pm, email communityworkshop@dukeries.attrust.org.uk or see www.thedukeriescommunityworkshop.weebly.com.