Champions of rural touring, Pentabus, return with an intoxicating and mystical new play by award-winning writer Tim Foley. A distinctive physical and cinematic production, Driftwood is an inspiring, expansive story about hope, love, belonging, and the tides within us.
See it at Glentworth Village Hall on Wednesday 18th October at 7.30pm.
“These are the shores of Vikings, Victorians, van drivers, and visions. The tide is out but the chips are hot.”
Two brothers go for walks along the beach at Seaton Carew. Their Dad is dying, and their town is crumbling. Family rifts and political divides try to pull them apart, and a figure made of driftwood stalks the shore at night…
Expect high-quality, exceptional theatre that promises an evening of enchanting storytelling, impressive cinematic production and powerful meaning.
Tickets cost £12.50; to book call 07739 587134 or email