Beckingham Bowls Club 70th Anniversary celebrations

by | 9 November 2018 | Gainsborough, Hobbies, Sports Club

The Club’s 70th Anniversary Presentation Evening on 5th October, at the Beckingham Willow Works, was a resounding success amid a wonderful atmosphere. Following an excellent buffet meal and a draw for the table decorations, trophies were presented by former Social Secretary Shirley Wilson. Our guest speaker, John Hall, then entertained us for over an hour talking about ‘When I was a Kid in the 1950s’ and everybody said they had not laughed so much for a long time — a real tonic.

This was followed by the draw for our 70th Anniversary Raffle which raised valuable funds to help us maintain the bowls site. The evening was hosted by Roger Platts, who thanked Janice Savage for arranging the buffet and members’ attendance, Freda Proudley (ably assisted by Geoff) for preparing the tables and for the beautiful table decorations, and Carole Booth for obtaining the raffle prizes and running this fundraising activity during the season, as well as preparing an excellent cake iced for our 70th anniversary.
The Club trophy winners were:

  • Audrey Rogers Memorial Trophy (Triples) — Pete Ness, Roy Clegg and Peter Cawthorne
  • Mick Pilkington Memorial Trophy (Pairs) — Carole Booth and Pete Ness
  • Pat Michael Cup (Ladies Singles) — Margaret Robinson
  • Charles Lundy Memorial Trophy (Open Singles) — Peter Cawthorne

The winners of the 21 prizes in the raffle were spread evenly across members and non-members who had purchased tickets during the summer, and their names will be published in Beckingham’s Village November Newsletter and Village Website (search for Beckingham Village Bowls Club and click on news).