Rotherham u3a Open Day

Rotherham u3a Open Day

If you would like to know more about what Rotherham u3a is, what it offers, and who it’s for, you are invited to attend the annual Open Day. This will be held from 10.00am to 2.00pm at Herringthorpe United Reformed Church (HURC) on Saturday 12th October. Entry is free, and all are welcome. Refreshments and a raffle will be available.

The event will feature stalls and exhibitions from many of the 38 activity groups, offering opportunities to speak with group coordinators and members about their activities and how to join.

Rotherham u3a opens doors to new friendships, new activities, and a new lease of life! Members can join as many groups as they wish (subject to availability) at no additional cost. Potential members are also welcome to attend one or two group meetings for free, to help them decide whether to join.

The annual subscription includes insurance, five copies of the National u3a magazine, access to a wide range of free online u3a learning programmes, podcasts, and discounts, as well as a quarterly Rotherham u3a newsletter and social events.

The subscription fee is £60.00 for the period from September 2024 to August 2025. For anyone joining between January and April 2025 the fee is £40.00, and £20.00 for those joining between April and August 2025.

For more information visit

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Event Details

Start Date

October 12, 2024

End Date

October 12, 2024



Event Organiser



Venue Address

Herringthorpe United Reformed Church, Rotherham

Event Website


Start Time

10:00 am

End Time

02:00 pm



Email Address


Phone Number
