Venture inside our beaver enclosure with a guide in search of signs of beaver activity and discover how they’re transforming the habitat.
About the event
Idle Valley Nature Reserve is the home of Nottinghamshire’s only beavers!
Beavers are slowly being reintroduced to the UK in a number of different locations. They’re known as keystone species and ecosystem engineers, famous for their ability to transform landscapes, boost biodiversity, alleviate flooding, and capture carbon.
At around 60 hectares, our beaver enclosure is the largest in the UK with space for not just a couple of beavers but up to 18 – that’s three families of six in three separate territories!
Beavers are rarely active during the daytime so the aim of this event will not be to see the beavers themselves but to discover the signs they leave behind and why they’re here at Idle Valley NR.
Our beaver enclosure is approximately three miles from the Visitor Centre at Idle Valley Nature Reserve, so the group will not be meeting there. Instead, please meet us in the car park on Chainbridge Lane just before the start of the tour.
Please visit our website for more information and to book.